For the first time, Elie begins to feel a sense of revolt against a God who would allow something like this to happen and these experiences begin changing and destroying Elie. At this very stage in Elie's horrifying journey, I believe it is the beginning of the dark flame entering his soul and devouring it. He has always been a religious boy who enjoyed spending time at the temple with his spiritual mentor, Moshe the Beadle and had a strong faith in God. But at this early point in Elie's journey it is apparent that a dark flame has entered his soul and has began destroying Elie's strong faith in God and has caused him to question God when misfortunes come upon him, thus resulting in Elie's doubt about God's absolute justice, when he had always been a deeply religious boy and so devoted to God. That first night of camp is forever etched into Elie's mind. His entire narration seems like an account of one long, endless night: "So much had happened within such a few hours that I had lost all sense of time. When had we left our houses? And the ghetto? And the train? Was it only a week? One night-one single night?" (Chapter 3, pg. 34. It is evident that even from one night in the concentration camp Elie's life has already began being destroyed by his experiences: "Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget those moments, which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never."(Chapter 3, pg. 32) At Birkenau, Elie is separated from his mother and sisters. Realizing the importance of being together, Elie and his father lie about their age. After a brief stay at Auschwitz, they are moved to a new camp, Buna. At Buna, Elie goes through the dehumanising process of the concentration camps.