Yesterday's vote will turn Europe into a virtual "spam-free zone- after the formal adoption of the directive, making it illegal to send unsolicited e-mail, text message or other similar advertisements to individuals with whom companies do not have a pre-existing business relationship].
Its still not enough and they need to move faster this problem is growing, even today I received 12 emails from unknown sources and it all takes time to sort out. Time is money therefore they are stealing my time. I should not have to spend money-buying software to filter my emails, and then pay somebody to install it. Email should be safe, private environments for all and we should not have to worry about are children using this service.
[Another article by Mr J Gourley of says: Time to put a stop to spamy J. [William Gurley April 3, 2002, 4:00 AM PT ] .
What I once considered to be just a mild nuisance is now a genuine drain on daily productivity. I probably spend 20 to 30 minutes a day evading spam, and this is up from maybe one or two minutes a year ago.
Spam is fast becoming an epidemic. Brightmail, one of the leading providers of spam-fighting, technology systems, estimates that the percentage of incoming e-mails considered junk has more than doubled since September to well over 15 percent of all e-mail. Research house Gartner estimates that spam increased at least fivefold in 2001].
The spammers are up to all the tricks, one classic is to send you something nobody wants then you delete the spam and tick the box to prevent any future mail from this site. Once you click the box they know this to be a live up-to-date email address and wait for it, they sell your address for a premium price to many different sites. Not only do they cost us money but also they are making money, on us and we have no apparent say in it. .
There is lots of different ways too try and block them but none of them foolproof, one of the most common ways is to just self filter and delete.