It wasn't Nemo's fault that he opened the door though, Flip also helped Nemo open the door but he says to the people that he didn't do it. But then Flip told Nemo to open the door because they didn't know what's behind the door. Nemo and Flip ran away because it was getting scary so then they forgot to lock the door. Later on during the party, some black smoky evil monster pops out of the party and takes King Morphy with it to Nightmare land. Everyone blames Nemo for causing the trouble and Nemo's innocence didn't help. Not even Flip helped him in the situation. As the story goes on, Nemo and his little crew go off to an adventure to find the King in Nightmare land. They have to defeat all the evil creatures that they see in each path they go through. .
As for the challenge, in the adventure, Nemo faces evil creatures and defeats them. Nemo's bed was his airplane which would fly him anywhere. When he and his crew go to these big mountains of cliffs, a big bird comes flying over them and tries to chase them. Nemo didn't know what to do but Professor told him to use the royal scepter that the King had honored him. But Nemo forgot the words, so then he had to try and remember what the King said in order to work it. Nemo tries different styles of words and he doesn't get it. The bird is still trying to chase them and Nemo gets so stressed out in what to say. Icarus then, reminds Nemo some of the words and he remembers so then he tries it out and the scepter has worked and then he targets the bird to try and kill it. He hits the right wing of the bird and the bird goes crashing into the cliffs and dies.
Nemo reaches the point where he sees the King and the Princess captured in this dungeon where the evil monster has taken them. Their was a door blocking so that they wouldn't be able to get in and save them. But Nemo manages to open the door with the scepter. While they got in, the monster sees them and tries to get them but the bed was fast to capture.