(Andy 30) Forty-nine percent of the people polled in a current Life poll think that the U.S. Government is withholding information from the public about the existence of UFO's. (Fox 56) The U.S. Government has been trying to debunk any existence of UFO's. There have been hundreds of requests made by the government in order to learn more about these alleged "UFO's", for instance, the Freedom of Information Act Requests, which have requested all documents pertaining to Unidentified Flying Objects or the UFO phenomenon and all documents pertaining to Unidentified Aerial Objects, or UAO's. (Greenwald 3) Have you ever had memory lapses? Strange markings on your body you've never seen before? You might have the symptoms of an alien abductee. Many psychiatrists think alien abduction is actually sleep paralysis, hundreds claim they've had experiences similar to alien abduction. (Fox 54) People who have actually claimed that they have been abducted, don't think that's always the case. On November 5, 1975, a group of loggers who were exploring the mountains of northern Arizona observed a strange, bright light in the sky. They drove closer, to take a closer look at the craft. One of the loggers, Travis Walton, got out of the truck and as he walked toward the object, he was struck by a beam of light. His friend, Mike Rogers, thought that he was dead and fled in fear. After driving for a short distance, the other workers in the truck forced him to go back and look for Travis. When they got there, there was no sign of the object or Travis. They reported the encounter to the police the next day and the police thought that they had made up the story to cover-up the murder of Travis Walton. For five days, the authorities mounted a manhunt in search of Travis or his body. The police requested that the men take a polygraph test to clear their names. The first test was inconclusive, but the second said that they were, in fact, telling the truth.