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Letter to author of Homecoming

             I am writing this letter about your book, Homecoming. I would like to express some of my feelings and explain some of my concerns over this book. Also, I would like to make some suggestions on improving this book.
             I really enjoyed the book Homecoming, but I thought the book could use a few changes. One change that could have been made is that is could have been shortened some. I think too much was said about the children, Dicey, James, Maybeth, and Sammy, walking on their journey that could have easily been taken out of the book. These parts became boring to read because everyday they woke up and went through the same daily routine and very little changed from day to day.
             Another change for this book is that not enough was wrote about Maybeth and Sammy. I strongly believe that their feelings and opinions about their mother leaving are just as important as Dicey and James" feelings. These feelings should have been explained and expressed more throughout the book. There were many times in the book where Dicey's thoughts are expressed and some times when James talks about his feelings to Dicey. There were many conversations between Dicey and James concerning their mother's departure from them.
             One unanswered question I had about Homecoming was "Why didn't Dicey go to school with the rest while staying with Cousin Eunice?" All 3 other children attended school, so shouldn't she? If Dicey is only 13 and attended school while living with her mother, then shouldn't she attend school while living with Cousin Eunice? .
             I believe that the purpose of this story is to explain the importance of family ties. Families should always stick together, no matter what might happen. They should do whatever they can to stay together and not be split up unless they have to be. Without families, we would be nowhere and its just as important to have a good, strong family as it is to have food and shelter. Dicey was willing to leave Cousin Eunice's house to take a chance in visiting her grandmother because Cousin Eunice didn't want to accept Sammy into her house.

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