The United States has faced many battles throughout history, from the Civil War, .
to WW2, but never one as unexpected as this. September 11, 2001, four planes were .
brought down by a terrorist group, two crashed into the World Trade Centers, one .
intoThe Pentagon, and another in a field. Thus shaking the entire backbone of the country .
and forcing it to face and overcome great obstacles. September 11, 2001, the day that .
will forever live in infamy for every American, brought forth the rebuilding of a nation, a .
heightened state of defense and a retaliation towards an evil empire. .
Since 9/11 the US has picked up the pieces and put itself back together stronger, .
and more resilient. The Pentagon got struck by a plane, but the buildings sheer size was .
no match for the steel bird. Eventually it was rebuilt and still stands as the centre for the .
US Military. The World Trade Center, the most powerful structures of the New York .
skyline were brought down, but their image still lingers in all who look towards the sight. .
Not yet rebuilt, but the sight is sure to be a vision of defiance. Soon after America came .
together, shaken but not beaten. The level of patriotism hadn't been seen since the days .
of Pearl Harbor. Throughout the rebuilding and the mending America became a force to .
be reckoned with once again. .
Along with reforming itself, the US put its guard to defend her borders and .
citizens. The US embassy's have long been a target for terrorists, so the Government .
reinforced security by hiring more guards who were willing to sacrifice their lives for .
their country. Also Security at Airports was much more visible, every plane going in and .
out of the States is being scrutinized with every possible measure including the presence .
of Federal Guards to ensure safe passage.