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Whales: Why should we preserve them?

I couldn't believe it. For as long as I can remember I have loved animals, and have never seen one much like this. Now I was beyond excited. I had the urge to jump over the railing and go find the whales myself. I wanted to see as many as I could on this trip. My wish was soon granted. For the next hour, we saw maybe six different humpback whales. A number that was even surprising for the boat staff. I saw them swim, dive, and splash their tails. This was great! It couldn't be any better. Boy was I wrong. Moments after I had this thought, a single whale came out of nowhere and popped up right at the corner of the boat where I was standing. My eyes could not believe what I was seeing. Below me was the most amazing creature I had ever seen. If the railing was not there, I could have reached down to pet it! The whale stayed there floating for just a few moments, and I could see its eye looking at me so harmlessly. I felt a connection towards this animal and I was fascinated with everything about it. I could have stood there for hours, just staring at it. But after those few moments, it dived back into the water and slowly swam away. .
             Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs on topics in today's world. One topic that I find intriguing and important is protection of wildlife and especially endangered species. One very specific issue I am concerned with is the protection of whales in waters all over the world. This issue is important to me in several ways, and I believe in this for many reasons. Not only do I believe in it, I have put that belief into action through small gestures that many people do not even realize are helping the whales.
             I have been fascinated by these magnificent creatures for as long as I can remember. Just the size of some of them is absolutely amazing, and despite their size, they are gentle animals. I am interested in the way they live, how they migrate, and how they care for their young with unconditional love.

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