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School Uniforms

             substantial evidence for the arguments for school uniforms. In almost all of the schools.
             that now have uniform policies, test scores have gone up ten to fifteen points. .
             I don't believe that waiting for years of research and study on this issue will.
             change the outcome. Students are moving through school fast and to wait for years to go.
             by before making this a mandate can only lessen the chances for improvement for the.
             students who are currently in school. The motivation behind this issue is not to infringe.
             on students" rights or burden parents with extra cost, but to simply improve the students. .
             Our society is now more than ever concerned with preserving the rights and.
             feelings of others. Parents are the ones who should teach and mentor the children about.
             their rights, and how to use good judgment and common sense. The long-term benefit of.
             providing school uniforms is a chance for society to better it self. The improvement of.
             student's basic education holds very high stakes for everyone.
             Students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and in society are the primary.
             stakeholders involved with this issue. We will start by looking at the students. "What to.
             wear today?" is a question that will no longer have to be asked each morning before.
             school. The desire to have the coolest and newest fashions is no longer a challenge for a.
             student who attends a schools with uniform policies, at least not while at school. The.
             challenges to put up with being teased or laughed at is no longer there. .
             The opportunities for students are all positive ones. Simply put, they will have.
             more opportunities to better their academic lives because the priority of fashion standards.
             are gone. Instead of worrying about their clothes or what everyone else is wearing, kids.
             focus on math and reading. Parents will also enjoy the decreasing challenge of keeping.
             their kids in the newest fashions. Since the average cost of three outfits can run about.

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