If the Triple Alliance attacked France, Russia's alliance with France would help them to "lighten the load" of the three armies" by coming from behind the eastern front and splitting the armies up. If Austria-Hungary attacked Russia, the alliance between Russia and France would help Russia by attacking the Austro-Hungarians from behind. If Russia attacked Germany, The Triple Alliance would prove useful by attacking Russia and supporting Germany's army.
Germany had recently become a country that was previously several smaller countries that decided to come together to make one strong country. The Autro-Hungarians felt that the alliance with Germany would be useful if they got into trouble with any of the countries near the Balkans. This would later prove a wise decision.
Also, there were several unwritten alliances with other countries. For example, there was an alliance between Great Britain and Belgium, which was to provide support if either country were attacked. This was a key factor in the making of World War I.
After the alliances were made, tactics were put forward to prepare them for the likelihood of war. The German plan was known as "The Schlieffen Plan". The German chief of general staff, General Count Von Schlieffen, produced it December 1905. If war broke out, which was becoming increasingly likely, Germany would concentrate on their western front and attack France with all its army. After six weeks, Schlieffen thought that the Russian's would have got their army ready and that the Germans would protect their eastern front against invasion. The plan would include going through Belgium and entering France through the north. They would then march down to the eastern side of Paris, encircle her and then go to Russia. This plan did not appreciate how strong Belgium, Great Britain, France and Russia was. It also left too long a time for Russia to be ready to fight.
The French plan was named Plan Seventeen.