Some would also argue, "Cloning is man playing God!" Who is to say that we are playing God? Cloning is a new technology with its basic principals rooted in nature. There are certain plants in this world that clone themselves. For example strawberries, potatoes, grass, and onions all clone themselves. How this occurs is that these plants send out a runner, which is a form of modified stem, then from the runner a new plant is grown, producing a clone of the original plant (Craig C. Freudenrich, Ph.D.; If the process occurs naturally in plants, then why couldn't man use it for his benefit?.
Another beneficial use of cloning is to clone the earth's endangered species. January 8th, 2001 became a landmark day for scientists when a baby bull guar, which is a large wild ox, was cloned (Freudenrich, Using cloning to save the world's endangered species is a very noteworthy cause, but it also raises some questions. Nobody knows if the age of the original sample has an effect on the clone. An example of this is that "Dolly", the first cloned mammal, died recently at the age of six (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science; Dolly's breed of sheep usually lives to be about eleven or twelve years old. What is unknown about this process is that if a human was cloned, and the original sample was forty years old, would the clone's organs, immune system, etc. be forty years old at the time of conception? If this is true then that factor decreases the life expectancy of a clone dramatically. To date there is no research concluding to the notion that cloned animals are born with organs that match the age of their parent animal.
Other problems with cloning today are that it is not a guaranteed process. According to all of the laboratory research, more than 90% of performed cloning procedures have failed.