Whilst one idea tell women to be thin the very next commercial, bill board, or advertisement tells women that food is pleasurable and something that as strong women deserves. Things like chocolate and ice-cream are no longer considered indulging but necessities to prove independence from the old ideas of what a women should be. For men the idea becomes that it is necessary to eat everything given, it starts to be a comfort more than a need. Eating is a basic instinct and those who suffer from eating disorders may have an identifiable personality such as obsession, this falls under the idea of a psychological problem. A person suffering from a obesity because of psychological problems suffers from a number of the following conditions unstable relationships, harmful impulsive behavior, variable moods, unable to deal with anger, recurrent suicidal threats, uncertain personal identity, persistent boredom, and frantic efforts to avoid abandonment. The only problem with labeling it a psychological disorder is that many teens deal with these symptoms everyday and its never considered a problem. Doctors fourth theory is the physiological explanation. This is caused by the fact that foods with high level carbohydrates induce the release of insulin in the body. Insulin in the body causes an extra release in tryptophan which stimulates .
serotonin and makes a person happier and full. The theory is that because exercise also releases these chemicals in the body that an obese person substitutes the food in place of exercise. Though genetics is one of the theories it is almost always considered last. Leptin, which induces the brain to regulate the food is useless in some people and this some doctors believe was a trait passed down from the genetic pool (Abraham 35-44). The lack of the Leptin causes people to eat without realizing that they are actually full. Obesity is like many other human characteristics it varies in degrees from person to person but can be controlled.