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The Extent of Slave Trade in Egypt

However, small numbers of slaves continues to come into Egypt for places such as Theace, Phrygia, Oshenia, Galatro, Lycia, Pamphylia, Arabia, Ethiopia, and Mauretamia.
             Egypt maintained a range of different slaves, young and old. There were black male, the black female slaves, white male slaves, and white female slaves. Mainly they were divided into black and white slaves. White slaves were called Circassians or Abyssinians. The black slaves were referred to as Gallas. If a slave was desired to be purchased, then an intending purchaser would find a private dealer to buy from. The buyer would then examine the stock of slaves, a price would be discussed and upon concurring a price then the deal would be closed. If a female was purchased, there was a three-day trial period in which the slave resided in the master's harem with other concubines, and they reported on how good the slave was. If she snored, talked in her sleep, or ground her teeth then that was reason for returning her to the dealer. .
             Female slaves were worth more than males of the same age. Prices ranged from 10l. to 12l. for a black boy or girl. The white males and females were sold for 70l. to 100l. for age twelve through eighteen. The high-class white slaves went from 500l to 800l, and sometimes 1000l. Adult women who have already been in service are considerably cheaper, unless their cooking skills, sewing, or other skills were above average. If the slave had a bad attitude or other defect then they would be sold for a much cheaper price. The white slaves were worth a considerable amount above that of the black slaves. Adult black male slaves were worth 20l. to 30l. Adult white male slaves were worth 90l. to 100l.
             Slaves had many different roles in the Egyptian society, mainly dependent on their race. For instance, the white female slave was introduced as part of the master's harem. She was used for sex and as a showpiece for the master depending on her beauty.

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