Even though women spend most of their life at home, but they still played an important part in Greek society. Since philosophy and religion was an important of the Greek life girls got the advantage to learn how to read, learn mythology, religion, and musical instruments. The girl's father was the one who choose the appropriate husband for his daughter. As the girls stayed virgins they didn't meet their husband until the dowry was agreed. Until a bride produced a child she had no standing in Greek society. "The Greek family was a monogamous and nuclear, being composed in essence of husband, wife and their children" (Boardman, 204). Contraception wasn't used by the majority of women therefore women had many pregnancies. Because the women would be worn out from child bearing they died between the ages 35-40. If the women had a female baby there was a chance the husband didn't accept it therefore he would reject it. The baby was left outside the door in a clay pot or jar in front of the doorway. If women wanted to divorce her husband she would have to go in front of an Athenian official and present her reasons for the divorce. If a husband chose to divorce his wife he would reject her in front of witness or send her back to her father's home. If the divorce was completed the dowry would remain with the father only if the women wasn't accused of adultery. .
Women's life pertained in the house and their time away from home was very small. Even though women were considered inferior they participated in society as much as men did. The role of men was not to encourage women to excel in the areas that they thought men can only do. Any work outside the home could not be done by women so men ran the state. The most important role of women in Greek society was as a wife bearing and raising children which is very important since it depends on the children how they are raised as they will shape the future of Greece.