The main competitors, as perceived by the management of USC, are the Brisbane Club, Queensland Club, Polo Club and Tattles Club. These other four clubs are all situated in the heart of the central business district yet in very close proximity to the United Services Club. All five clubs originally targeted exclusive interests such as sports or business people, but today they operate independently and invite anyone who wishes to join. Price and appeal in terms of location, décor and general facilities are factors that separate the clubs from each other today. Placing the United Services Club on a positioning map shows the different positions the clubs possess in the market.
The Queensland Club is historically seen as the most exclusive club in Brisbane but today is open for everyone, whereas the Brisbane Club was traditionally known as the businessmen's club. Tattles Club targets the sportsmen and the Polo Club is the newest club on the market attracting both businessmen and polo-interested members.
USC is the only club that has focused on ex-military members, giving them a brand focus. Today the USC are focusing on the wider market and are positioned as the cheapest of the clubs in Brisbane.
1.3 SWOT Analysis.
• Trades profitably.
• Carpark facilities.
• Function facilities.
• Accommodation facilities.
• Location is indirect from CBD.
• Facilities reflect the older audience.
• 40% of the members are inactive.
• Military image.
• Target new groups of members.
• Differentiate themselves in the market.
• Create motivational factors for existing members to stay and use the club.
• More competition in the market.
• The rate at which members leave the club remains the same or gets worse.
• The trend of the clubs change from generation to generation.