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, meant complete acceptance of wrong doings, disappointments, hurts, character flaws, and selfishness."(c) The listing brings upon questions of whether the relationship is even a communal sharing of feelings, or an empty support base for a person to abuse. Thaler has found that the "truth " can be a hinderment for a meaningful relationship. Thaler marks his lying as a necessity to protect his marriage, by avoiding tension between the two which could cause a fall. Thaler proceeded to elaborate on the idea that "Some truths chip away at relationships, others chop them down whole."(c) That statement allows one to infer that lying, though essential, must be done so cautiously. My experiences in previous relationships, have brought me to believe in contrast to the theory that lying in a relationship is essential. The first relationship, of which was pivotal, in my life was destroyed by lies. In light to such my recent relationships which have been lascivious and wonton, the honesty and integrity I place on them has made them much more rewarding, to my growth as a person. .
             People often lie in order to protect a person from a truth, which may weigh their feelings to a detrimental state. People are emotionally driven to lie, because we reap in the balance of stability. This stability is needed in our life to function productively as part of a relationship. These situations are not only in romantic or personal relationships, but also in business and everyday social situations. ". lies put forth for the purpose of sparing the feelings of someone who might be hurt in some way if he or she was forced to hear the truth." (d) Many people have found the nesscessity to use these preventive lies. Business is a sizable example of lying in a relationship, the conglomerate telecomumnitcaions company known as Enron lied to investors about the health of their company to amass moneys. Enron was later found in late 2002, to have many fraudulent leads to the status of their company.

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