With the publication of "Brave new world" in 1932,Aldous Huxley established a new .
form of the science genre in literature. This book conceptualizes a new way of living, .
a world in which people do not have a destiny of their own. The viviparous days are .
gone and every person created has a destiny chosen by another human. Each is .
artificially created, being trained to fit a caste.
Huxley shows even from the beginning of the book the absence of light, colors and .
movement:" with a pale corpse-colored rubber", "The light was frozen, dead, a .
ghost "page 1. In this world, technology is worshipped, replacing God.
The first few pages present the laboratory where the D.H.C. shows to a group of .
young students the system that produces people. While showing them important .
parts of the laboratory, the D.H.C. explains the complex processes that lead to .
forming people. He is proud to say that by using the Bokanovsky process, ninety-six .
identical human beings will grow where only one grew before. It becomes .
obsessively in the first chapter the fact that the students were "desperately .
scribbling", " straight from the horse's mouth" page 1. .
Every person that is being created has to fit in a caste. These specimens, the .
Deltas and Epsilons, will do manual labor while the Alphas and Betas .
have high positions(because of their high intelligence ). Epsilons are the ones with the lowest .
intelligence. It's evident that the people have no freedom, and must submit to the will of the World .
Controllers. The world controller is Mustapha Mond.
In the second chapter we are shown how babies are trained to like and dislike things. First .
they are shown flowers and then suddenly alarms start to make great noises. Sleep-teaching .
learning is used to give messages to the growing children. They are conditioned to love their own .
caste and despise all others through the constant repetition of key words and phrases.