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Causes and Effects of Obesity in Humans

It is no mystery why losing weight can be difficult.
             National Institutes of Health identifies several root causes of obesity: Genetics: Studies suggest that some people are predisposed to have a greater risk of becoming obese simply by virtue of their genetics. Having obese parents does not mean that a person will become obese. Lifestyle: Probably the most important factor is how one lives their life. Staying active and eating a balanced diet will greatly reduce the risk of obesity. Gender: Studies indicate that Males are more at risk to become obese than females. Psychological: Depression and stress can lead to eating disorders. Metabolism: Some people seem to eat and eat and stay thin their entire lives. Others eat less and become obese or have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. Differences in metabolic rate may be to blame. Not everyone can convert Calories into energy as efficiently as others. Age: Metabolic rate slows as we get older. Eating the same and staying just as active does not guarantee that your weight will be stable as you age. Other reasons can include: sociocultural effects, or the environment, in which we live, medications, or a combination of any of the aforementioned causes. .
             possibly one of the greatest causes for the propagation of obesity nationwide is the working lifestyle that Americans are becoming accustomed to. More than ever, Americans are working at a desk for 8-10 hours a day. Americans are eating foods with a high percentage of fat. McDonalds was a sponsor of the Olympic games. Americans are having the image that you can eat whatever you want and if you did need to lose weight all you need is an ab belt or to pop a few pills. Americans are also neglecting to make time for exercise. The cumulative effect of this lifestyle is a serious health problem. .
             Not only are desk jobs and fast food lunches partly to blame, but also the stress that comes with the job.

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