What were the goals, methods and successes of the women's liberation movement?.
In the decades following the war, feminists focused on achieving equality with men. Equality meant the right to:.
- work and participate in the paid workforce.
- equal pay and opportunity.
- economic independence.
- participate in civic life: to sit on juries, boards and in parliament.
- enter clubs, pubs, venues and events without restriction.
Methods: .
To gain these rights, women fought to remove the discriminatory laws that prevented their participation in society - they also fought for the rights of abos and immigrants through various political strategies:.
- the formation of organisations to lobby govts, institutions and political parties for social reform.
- taking direct action to draw public attention to inequity and discrimination.
- preparing and presenting submissions to govt inquiries.
- organising campaigns around particular issues such as equal pay.
- establishing links with international women's organisations to pressure world bodies and govts to address civil rights and peace issues, and represent the needs of women and children.
- developing solidarity among women through the celebration of International Women's Day, the organisation orf marches, rallies and mass meetings.
Between 1945 and 1970 Australian society had changed for women in a number of ways:.
- more women participated in the paid workforce and many of these women were married. In 1947, 22.4% of the workforce were women; 19.8% of these were married. In 1971, 33% of the workforce were women; 60.5% of these were married. .
- The contraceptive pill was available. Women could make decisions about family planning.
- Progress had been made towards equal pay for men and women.
- Women now sat on juries, boards and in parliament.
- There was greater recognition of the oppression of aboriginal women and their families.
- An increasing number of young women were staying on at school and opting to pursue tertiary study.