In the play Macbeth, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have both shared and .
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both share a similar trait, the trait .
of evil intentions. A conniving trait festered by the three weird sisters. When Macbeth .
utters, " the greatest is behind . (309)," he is shown to be scheming about how close .
He is to becoming king or how he can take the crown from Duncan. The same trait is .
produced by Lady Macbeth's comment, " Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what .
thou art promised (312)." This quote from Lady Macbeth is made after she reads .
Macbeth's account of the strange encounter with the witches. It shows, as did her .
Husbands comment, how she has a sinister plan to help her husband's future prediction .
come true. Although Macbeth and his wife have similar traits, they also have many .
contrasting qualities. Macbeth is very humble when he tells the king, " The service and .
loyalty I owe [you] (316)." Macbeth truly admires the king, and though he wants to be .
king, he has a hard time coming up with the determination to murder Duncan, because of .
his fealty and loyalty to him. Lady Macbeth on the other hand is very arrogant and .
controlling. She persuades Macbeth to commit murder by saying, " Only look up leave .
the rest to me. (314)" This shows that she lacks respect for her husbands position, and .
has no loyalty or humility when it comes to her king. Though Macbeth and his wife .
portray comparable evil characteristics, it is shown that while Lady Macbeth's heart is .
only black and evil, Macbeth is still fighting a supernatural battle in his soul against the .
evil that is attempting to consume him. .