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Romeo and Juliet

It also shows them he is a happy and jolly man. His attiude as a 'good host' backs up his personality as a caring a protectice father which is demonstrated in the scence with Paris becuase it shows he loves and cares for her daughter because he will only allow for him to marry her if she can love him and she is a bit older which also shows is understaning and vcaring side. We also see a caring side to him here because he obviously wants his guests to have a good time tonight which is obvious in his language and the things he says. I can shows this by;.
             "Welcome gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes.
             Unplagued with corns will walk a bout with you.
             Ah, my mistresses, which of you all.
             Will now deny to dance:? She that makes dainty,.
             She'll I swear hath corns. Am I come nea ye now?.
             Welcome getnlemen! I have seen the day.
             That I have worn a visor and could tell.
             A whispering tale in a fair ladies ear,.
             Such as would please, 'tis gone 'tis gone, 'tis gone.
             You are welcome genetlemen.".
             Many things in here show that he is glad his guests have come. The fact he repeats the word 'welcome' three times shows how truely deleighted and greatful he is to have visitors with him at his house. The joke he cracks suggests he has a playful and comical nature. Capulet also becomes nostalgic with reminiscences of the past he tells, which shows he enjoyed the times when he was younger and flirting with the girls. But to be honest and esspecially when he is talking to cousin capulet he tends to become less joyful and his memories seem to be wishes of wanting to be young again.
             When Romeo first sets his eyes on Juliet he becomes enthrawled with her looks and soon forgets about his old love Roselynne who pines for at the beggining of the play. He describes Juliet as being more beautiful than anything he had ever seen beofre, I can prove this by:.
             "O she doth teach the torches to burn bright!.
             It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night.

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