Yes there would be some, but great opportunity is always there and there is always somewhere to go unlike those who live in the third world. They are the ones to feel true pity for, there is no fine line between need and want, for them the only want is what they need. And only ignorance and animosity is to say that we are needy too, especially when most the most dire of our (the first world's) "poor" can enjoy clean water, welfare, public schooling, community outreach programs, and shelters, but there, there is nothing. Those who work at our "sweatshops" are considered amoung the "well off" in those countries. .
More than a billion people (Stefoff) live in conditions unimaginable to people living in rich countries. Most roads are not paved if there are any, no utilities( such as pluming and electricity), severely low sanitation standards, rampant disease, pestilence, high infant mortality, low life expectancy, famine, starvation, and poverty. Lives as good as those of sick stray dogs in our developed metropolitan areas. The median income yearly is the equivalent of less than $200USD (Dutche) in the third world. A family gerbil costs more to support than what these people make to support their families. The number of poverty-stricken people is growing. Estimates predict the world's population will surpass 9.5 billion by 2050(Stefoff). This could even pose a threat to even us, the well-off countries. This is blatant genocide of massive proportions, we are killing these fellow human beings by turning our backs and closing our already ignorant and blind eyes and fattening our already overflowed wallets.
For these developing countries, hunger is still a major problem. Despite the advances in agricultural technology and years of international aid programs, one in four people do not get .