"Virtue, without terror is destructive; terror, without virtue is impotent."(2) I see those words .
and it draws my attention to look back in our recent historic events that relate to this idea. The .
two biggest events that come to mind is World War II and the events of 9/11 (September 11th, .
2001) and the similar contrast between the two. With the United states economy waning in .
the late 1930's the power's to be had previous warning of an eminent attack on the Hawaiian .
Islands by the Japanese prior to the actual event. Yet the powers to be did not act on the .
information with the expediency, because they wanted, no needed this country to enter that war. .
That need was not only one of economics, but also one of patriotism. This country economically .
was in dire straights and its people were suffering. Something had to be done to not only boost .
the economy but also boost the love of country. Entering the war fulfilled those gaps by creating .
a much needed shot in the arm to the economy by providing jobs and the push to defend our .
country instilled our nations people with a new found patriotism unlike every before. In contrast .
we look at the events of 9/11 and see similar economic woes and a lack of national pride. The .
powers to be decide to use this event as a way to give our economy and our level of national .
pride a seriously needed shot in the arm, So we entered the war on terrorism. Again there was a .
big boost to the economy as well as national pride to levels unlike ever before, granted .
this was a terrible atrocity but why does no one question the facts at hand, the powers to be had .
prior knowledge of such an attack yet they did not take immediate action as one would think they .
should. Instead they sit back and watch, but one still has to ask why? On any given work day .
the twin towers would have approximately 15,000 workers present in each tower at that time of .
day. Then why was there less that half that amount present on that day, Who had the most to gain .