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The Reasons why the Balkans were Crucial for Russian Expansi

Autocracy became an essential feature of the foreign policy from 1613 when the Romanov family replaced the Muscovite dynasty. During the reign of Nicholas II, the autocratic principle was not fully exercised, leading to the downfall of Tsarist Russia. Autocracy was difficult to maintain because many European countries were undergoing revolutions to overthrow their oppressive regimes such as the Bourbon dynasty in France. Orthodoxy refers to the support of the Russian Orthodox Church in government issues. The church was an essential part of Russian politics because the majority of people followed the principles of the religion and would support the government if it used common principles. Since the majority of the people followed religious rules, they believed that the preservation of these rules was imperative. Furthermore, the Russian citizens contempt with the government as long as the Orthodox faith had significance in the foreign policy. The importance placed on religion can be seen through the nickname for Moscow as the "Third Rome" and the "new, uncorrupted, heart of Christendom" . Nationality refers to belief that the Russian culture is the best culture. Nationality helped Russia to stay together as a country because the citizens believed that their way of life was superior and that drastic change was unnecessary. The policies of Pan-Slavism which is the brotherhood of Slavic people and Orthodox Christians were part of the nationalist spirit which was determined to keep Russia strong by its culture and religion.
             The foreign policy called for a growth in power by expansionism. In order to keep the support of the Russian public, the Tsar boasted about the accomplishments of the country. He succeeded in keeping support by using expansionism in his foreign tactics to gain prestige in the European society. For a country to obtain a colony, it was seen as major accomplishment. Every time Britain expanded further into the African continent, they gained the reputation as an imperialistic country which was accompanied by prestige and the acknowledgement of that countries" power.

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