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Freelance Writing As A Career

             either. So many associations publish magazines that a quick survey of the .
             market revels countless opportunities waiting. - .
             Nonfiction ranks as the largest market for freelance writers, book .
             publishers buy about 10 times as many nonfiction manuscripts as they do .
             novels. In most magazines nonfiction articles greatly outnumber poems and .
             short stories nonfiction material ranges from a few hundred words to book .
             length; long articles may be serialized (published in installments or parts) in .
             a magazine.
             Several kinds if publications accept nonfiction from freelancers" general-.
             interest magazines contain articles on current, popular subjects that .
             appeal to a widespread audience. Many beginners succeed in selling articles.
             to these magazines, which attract relatively few well-known writers.
             Nonfiction differs widely in price; specialized publications with few.
             readers usually offer lower payments than general interest-magazines with .
             large readerships. Payment for a magazine article ranges from less than a .
             $100 to thousands of dollars. Book publishers usually pay authors a royalty .
             (commission) of 10 to 15% of the books price for each copy sold. .
             Freelancers also sell fiction it includes short stories; adventures,.
             mysteries, romances, science fiction and westerns fiction is popular among .
             adults. .
             Literature for children covers a broad variety of subjects, which includes.
             adventure, mysteries, folklore, nature, and books of famous people. Many.
             children's magazines also buy quizzes, puzzles and riddles. Stories .
             published in children's magazines are usually no more than 1,500 words. .
             Authors typically receive 4 cents per word or a single payment generally less.
             than $100. Freelance authors write nearly all of the juvenile books.
             published in the United States publishing firms in the United States that .
             specialize in Children's books prefer to receive complete manuscripts.
             Poetry is one of the most challenging types of writing and one of the .

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