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Pete Rose Scandal - Arguments to why he should be in HOF

             addiction. In my opinion Pete Rose should be inducted into the Hall of Fame, and also be.
             re-instated into Major League Baseball.
             Now, most of the baseball critics and brass do not want Pete Rose inducted. They.
             claim that his illegal betting on baseball games should keep him out of the Hall of Fame.
             Almost all of the "highly questionable" evidence that Commissioner Bart Giamatti held.
             was derived from former friends and associates of Rose. "Up to $30,000 per day, so some.
             of Roses' close friends say"(Dowd). This evidence is what prompted the banishment of.
             Pete Rose from baseball, which he signed. The evidence was enough for the.
             Commissioner. In 1989, because of his gambling involvement, baseball's Commissioner.
             Bart Giammati suspended Pete Rose from association with professional baseball for life. .
             Rose also spent five months in a minimum-security prison for tax evasion in 1990. He did.
             not report cash money he accepted for signing baseballs and photographs at baseball card.
             shows. .
             Still to this day, it has not been proven that Rose did bet on the baseball team that.
             he was managing. Rose himself still holds true to his statement that he never bet on the.
             game of baseball. Evidence is minimal and it has been over a decade, yet he is still.
             ineligible to be voted into the Hall of Fame. If it was left up to his statistics, he should.
             have been admitted years ago. There are a handful of the 246 elites that are in the Hall of.
             Fame that did far worse things than gamble on the game of baseball or evade paying their.
             taxes. For instance, the worshiped Ty Cobb was a disgusting racist and once admitted to.
             killing a man(Nesbitt). Another time ,while walking in Detroit, Cobb stepped in freshly.
             poured asphalt. Then a construction worker, named Fred Collins, who just happened to be.
             black, yelled at him. Cobb responded by slapping Collins to the ground. Cobb was later.
             found guilty by the courts, and received a suspended sentence. Collins filed a civil suit,.

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