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Without wind these beautiful wings are useless. .
             An albatross has a very interesting life cycle. The Albatross parts the island at a very early age of about 6 months. They navigate for about 7 years while feeding and growing never placing a single foot on earth throughout their journey. Ornithologist have yet not been able to explain how these creatures know when to return home, their place of birth and carefully began to search for their mate as they both built a nest and get ready to produce an offspring. That is when mating and reproduction takes place which is a very important stage in the life of an albatross.
             Mating season begins for most albatross in November and by September there are back on their journeys. Albatross's are very selective when it comes to choosing there mates because they mate for life. A mating courtship can last about two years. While performing this rituals the albatross perform an elegant dance spreading their wings towards one another. It is extremely important that they are sure that their mate will correspond to them because if not, the union of these two birds can result in death of one of the birds. One bird must stay behind to keep the egg warm and protect it. As one bird incubating the egg, its mate wanders for days or even weeks until it has caught a meal for both to eat. Female Albatross only lay one egg each year and its size can be as high as a soda can and weighing 2.02 pounds. Breeding takes place on the mid-pacific islands and in those islands of the Hawaiian chain. Once their offspring is born they take care of it and their life cycle starts again as these birds wonder into the skies for another adventure.
             It is truly remarkable how this gigantic bird can travel great distances over the ocean. Throughout their journey these creatures are believed to sleep while they"re still in motion as they breeze through the wind. It is said that throughout their whole lifespan albatross spend 95 percent of their existence at sea flying.

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