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"In the Netherlands, because primary care doctors have long-term relationships with their patients, helping them die takes a heavy emotional toll (Neumann 5)." Although few doctors who perform it have been brought to trial and none have been convicted and imprisoned. Most doctors hesitate to practice assisted suicide on legal grounds. Doctors are trained to preserve life; most doctors are troubled by the thought of helping patients end their lives. This issue receives considerable attention in medical publications.
             There have been a number of people supporting the legalization of euthanasia. Doctors have been trying to help terminally ill patients who no longer wish to live (Emanuel 2). For a while now, polls show that majority of Americans support euthanasia. There is what people call A "rule of thirds", but the rule of thirds is not enough for there to be any changes. We need more support for there to be any effect. It has been like this for over 25 years, there has to be a change (Emanuel 2). But still, if majority of Americans support P.A.D. and euthanasia, than why is it still today illegal? How deep do we have to go for the legislatures to open their eyes? A PARADE survey verifies that the public does not want to see its terminally ill citizens dying in pain anymore, they want people do die in peace, and not watch them suffer for no reason (Ubell 2). Questionnaires were mailed to 3750 people aged 21 or older. They answered questions concerning the right to choose death. In a more recent poll, it shows that 79 percent of the people agree with P.A.D; 12 percent oppose, and the other 9 percent said they neither agree nor disagree or put no answer (2). This is one of many polls taken in the U.S. and like in this PARADE poll, most people agree with the legalization of euthanasia. How much longer are people going to wait to get what they want? Everybody has the right to choose the way they live or die.

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