They would invite me out in an attempt to cheer me up. I either didn't want to go or I'd agree and back out at the last minute. It is difficult for people to understand that bipolar is a disease. Depression, is it a mood, or a disease?.
Causes and Symptoms - Just Snap Out of It.
For most people depression is just a mood. It is temporary. For those with bipolar disorder it is long term. It is life. .
Bipolar disorder can be caused by genetic or environmental factors. My.
brain doesn't produce seratonin. Seratonin is a neurotransmitter, which.
aids the body in sleep and keeps Mary a "happy, normal person."" Without it my body is out of balance. .
Recently, the first genetic defect specifically associated with bipolar.
disorder was identified. The abnormality occurs in a gene known as human.
serotonin (5-HT) transporter gene (hSERT).
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It is like being a diabetic.
Diabetics need insulin. Without it, their body won't function properly.
It is a chemical imbalance. Would you tell a diabetic to "get over it-?.
When it comes to bipolar disorder all most people see is depression and.
to most you should just be able to "snap out of it-. They think you are.
having a pity party. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance, too. Because.
of my bodies inability to produce seratonin I suffered all of the classic.
1. I was always sad or depressed.
2. I was tired. I didn't want to do anything.
3. I couldn't sleep. I could go to sleep, but I was up every hour on.
the hour.
4. I went from a size 8 to a size 4. I was 99 lbs.
5. I couldn't concentrate. I had to call my family to help with decisions. Should I or shouldn't I?.
6. I always felt guilty about everything. I thought everything was my.
7. I didn't enjoy anything.
8. I had thoughts of suicide. I thought that I put my family through.
too much. I feared that one day they would have to take me in and care for me.
9. A few of the physical symptoms were migraine headaches accompanied.