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Hydrotherapy Pool

So we had the other wall near the door which we thought was unfair as it meant that the best part of our work would be behind a door. But we settled on it anyway. So we decided to change the design so that the best bit of our design wasn"t behind the door. In the end we changed the design completely. This is our design now.
             The next step was to get to see the pool itself to get a feel for where we would be working. When we went we came across another obstacle the group that had the back wall had divided and had done a design for the wall we were set to do. While there we explained this to our teacher (Chris lilywhite). The woman in charge over heard us talking and said that there was a dressing room that attached to the room that we could have to paint if we so wished we went and had a look at it. It was big we decide to take the woman up on her kind offer and our group got to do the dressing room. We were told it was mainly used for children and the people who had trouble getting themselves undressed to use the pool. .
             The first day we had there we put tape round then skirting boards and plastic on the floor. Then we drew our outline that we would work from. Our design fitted quite well with this as it was mainly fairies. We thought that the children would love it and that the elder people would like it because of its beauty. So we now had our design and when a woman from the hospital came to look at our design she liked it. So we had our design and new how we were going to do it and what colours we were going to use. The only thing left to do was get the paint and put it up on the walls. We got the paint form a company called community repaint. They collect all old tins of paint. They let us use there paint and had a lot of the colours we wanted. The final design on the wall looked like this.
             This project is different from all normal projects because we were in charge we said what went up who did what and how we wanted it done the teachers left it up to use all they did was help us with what we wanted to do giving suggestions of how to do certain things.

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