Men's suits were .
usually dark colors that complemented each other. On the weekends or hang around the .
house days the male was seen wearing slacks, Bermuda shorts, a tee shirt, slip-on shoes, or a pair of Levis. .
By the end of the mid to late fifties the influence of cinema had really began to show. Women started to have what was called the American Look that consisted of five styles called; Mexican, Canadian, Tomboys, Sweater Girls, College and Bobbysoxers. All of the styles pretty much contained the same type of designs. The College Bobbysoxers had a more girlish look to them, they wore skirts that were circular, ballerina length, cancan skirts that were puffed out by petticoats, and had French motif like poodles and French scenes on the bottom. These became known as poodle skirts. While other girls wore bobby socks, culottes, pumps or plimsoils. Some girls wore what was called the Mexican style, which consisted of pedal pushers, stretch ski pants, Capri's, or Levis. Clothing, was not all that was influenced by the movies, hair was another big issue. The sorter look was popular but many tried the long look of Marilyn Monroe and Lana Tuner that was all the rage of the time. The advancements of tints, lacquers, and rollers helped to make different styles for each individual girl (Powell,30). The style that also had been influenced by movies was the gangs. each gang had it's own styles that help distinguish them from others. The typical look was drainpipe pants and a long drape coat with velvet collar and cuffs (Powell,42). The change in time from earlier to later years meant a new type of person, one that was laid back, lazy, and uncaring about things.
that were going on, they were called the Beat nicks. Although they too had their own style it was very different from the past groups. The men wore black dress pants, black shirt, and usually were seen wearing glasses and a beard.