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Greek Myth Paper

Katherine and Erica proceed to visit Alex. .
             The next day we see Dr. Calchas in Alex's room explaining his daughters condition to him. The conversation is about the fact that she has severe brain damage and will be forced to live with assistance of machines for some time, though despite this she will probably live long into adulthood. The fact comes up that this will all be quite expensive as well as painful for Jenny. As a friend of Alex and his family Dr. Calchas puts forth the idea that it might be possible to end Jenny's life prematurely as a favor to her and her father's bank account. Alex tells the good doctor that he will need some time to think. The doctor returns and tells him he must act swiftly or it will be too late. Alex's response, though with some hesitation, is to proceed. He thanks Dr. Calchas for his friendship and tells him he appreciates what he is doing for him.
             The next scene will be after Jenny's death and as the family is holding a funeral. Rick will not be seen despite efforts to reach him. Then a scene will show Rick returning to his college home after a short hiking excursion following his semester's end. There he will find multiple messages the first few telling him to contact to home, the following of the events that had taken place, and finally an angry message from his mother showing disdain for his actions concerning his sisters death, also telling him he was unwelcome at his own home. Rick is both shocked and angered by the events and his mother's cold words. He and his mother were mainly the ones who did not get along well when he was home. .
             After the accident Alex seems estranged to Katherine and they begin to grow apart. Katherine holds him some what responsible for their daughters death. As a long business trip approaches for Alex he feels the need to rectify things with his wife. He tells his wife why he has felt strange lately. She now knows that he is almost entirely responsible for Jenny's death.

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