" quote".
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee paints a beautiful picture of Maycombe in the novel's opening, and immediately captures the full attention of the reader by describing the Finch's family history in an informative and humorous style, with Scout's life seeming to be a secure and content existence.
There are again, a number of significant characters that are close to Scout in her life. Atticus Finch, her father, is and inspiration and significant influence in her life. She admires him greatly although this strong admiration is not always completely clear to the reader. Atticus is a lawyer in the small South American town of Maycombe, although the beginning of the novel comments on links to Cornwall, England. QUOTESSSSSSS.
Jeremy Finch, AKA Jem her brother who is four years her senior, provides brotherly love and security for Scout. There appears to be great respect between the siblings and although he does not like to show his love, Jem is extremely protective of his young sister. QUOTE.
Finally, Calpurnia, a black cook. Scouts first description of her is a less than flattering one.
" Our battles were epic and one sided I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember.".
It is revealed to the reader that she has standing in the family that significantly outweighs her role as a mere cook. Whilst a very firm and strict character, she is also revealed to be a? Dependable acquaintance to Scout.
The novel is set in the 1930's, a time of economic depression in the United States. The small town of Maycombe carries a tradition of white - black segregation. Its Negroes being second class in the closed community of White Supremacy. The theme of outsiders is an issue in both novels. Change enters the lives of both David and Scout, with ' outsiders ' impacting on each of their upbringing to different degrees. .
In David's life, the outsider comes in the shape of the Mudstones', who take away all his personal freedom and eventually his inheritance.