The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket.
Pure, satisfying happiness, harmony, sincerity, innocence, love and laughter .
compose a fond, vivid memory. Vibrant colors in every shade imaginable illuminate .
more than a Japanese embankment and a festive evening of smiles and friendships; these .
brilliant colors kindle a warm, fulfilling childhood memory recalled by Fujio, the .
narrator. Simple and unaffected, children can often provide the most valuable wisdom. .
Yasunari Kawabata sends a beautiful message in The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket, .
reminding everyone that life isn't always what one perceives it to be. Success and .
happiness isn't always attained the way one expects it to be and it's important to look .
past superficiality and ignorance to achieve true prosperity.
Young children frolick around the bushes in search of what they envision to be .
the ultimate pinnacle and primary objective of the evening- a grasshopper. Often, people .
allow themselves to be narrow- minded or cynical when focusing on a goal or prospect. .
The result of this type of thinking is commonly regret. Fujio just can't be satisfied unless .
Kiyoko is cradling a grasshopper in her hand because he is searching so intensely for a .
grasshopper, and a bell cricket seems petty and mundane in comparison. Fujio's inner .
conflict is illustrated when he is disappointed to learn that the insect is a bell cricket, even .
though it brings Kiyoko joy and delight. Quite possibly, this flaw will fester and lead him .
to make poor choices in his life, or miss out on positive opportunities. Obviously, he's .
suffered a significant amount of turmoil in his life, because in the end, to his "Clouded, .
wounded heart, even a true bell cricket will seem like a grasshopper."" (May 328).Fujio .
has a clouded and wounded heart because his life has been tumultuous and his inability to .
appreciate what he has is a direct cause of that. As Fujio has grown into a man, he has .