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book review Every Young Man's Battle

That is anything from pornography to problems with masturbation. Growing numbers of American men are admitting that they struggle with a variety of sexual temptations, but few know where to turn for honest answers and practical help. In the Every Man series, authors Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker effectively shatter the myth that self-control in this area is impossible. This book offers detailed plans for men to live pure, positive, powerful lives for God, enriching not only their lives, but their marriages as well. .
             When a man is struggling in a battle with sexual addiction, the impact on his life is very great . The most direct effect is on his loved ones. This causes a devastating and embarrassing situation that any couple or family may have to endure. They may feel that their lives are falling apart, leaving loved ones angry, scared, and isolated. The book explains a common myth that if a spouse has had problems with things like pornography or sexual addition prior to marriage, marriage will not solve this problem. In fact, marriage in most instances makes the situation worse. .
             This book also goes though a overview of sexual addiction and the process by which a man becomes addicted, as well as the process of recovery. It brings up the fact that most sexual additions start innocently and at a young age. Men often don't bring up sexual issues to their fathers but learn about them through school, television, work and friends. Middles schools seem to be this breeding ground for all of this. Teacher are have the greatest power in what young men believe and precieve about sex. Yet, this may pose major problems for many young men who are going through the most awkward change in their entire lives. This often carries on into there marrages where sexual addiction may become a major problem. Some questions addressed by their loved ones may include: "How can a Christian man do such a thing?," "What, if anything, did I do wrong?" "Are my kids in danger?" "Who can I tell, and under what circumstances?" .

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