It hurt India by in the wet season the storms and the rain flooded many ports thus slowing the trade. .
The culture and economy of Egypt were greatly affected by the Nile River Valley, which takes up about three percent of Egypt's total area. The economy of the Nile River Valley flourished throughout its existence. In the beginning the early Egyptians sang hymns of praise to Osiris, the god of the Nile, they believed that he rose the river that gave them life. The Egyptians based almost all of their knowledge on the flooding of the Nile such as, knowing when to plant their crops after the floods, they made the first know Callander based on the yearly floods. The Nile also made the people create a means of measurement in order to see the boundaries of the flooding. They also developed engineering skills like to dig big ditches and canals which were to be used for the villages irrigation system when the floods receded. The Nile was Egypts only major way of transportation, both people and goods were moved via the river. This opened up new jobs like boat building which increased the wealth of the valley. The Nile river valley was able to be so successful mostly because of the natural borders that it had surrounding it, although the advances of knowledge did play a major role. To the east and west of the valley their are deserts which protect them, the Mediterranean did so from the north these three almost fully enclosed the civilization. .
The economic growth of the country is based on the farming along the Nile. Almost all Egyptian farms lie in this densely populated region. Water from the Nile enables farmers in the valley and delta to raise various crops the year around. The chief summer crops are cotton, corn, rice, and millet. The winter crops consist of clover, wheat, and beans or other vegetables. The main crop of the Nile is cotton it facilitates the country financially, because Egypt has to import foods from other countries in order to sustain life.