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            If everyone were asked to describe what a hero was most would say someone who would stand up for justice and never let evil prevail. Others might say that a person who faces great adversity and still overcomes it could be a hero. It could be a soldier on a battlefield rescuing his fellow comrade. Maybe it could be a child from the projects or the inner city who says no to drugs and yes to a good education. Anyone who can stand up for what they believe in and what they know is right could be a hero. Courage is something that all heroes must show; it's where a hero starts and where they end.
             In the play Antigone the characters that stand out and could be heroes are the ones that stand up for what they believe. Antigone can be a hero because she won't let evil prevail. She stands up for justice even though she knows this is disobeying the laws of the land. When Creon passes a law that he believes is right but yet goes against what the gods wish, she can not abide by it. She instead risks her life and gives her brother the proper burial, which he deserved. Adversity may overcome her when Creon asks of why she has done this and to say that she is sorry and it would be ok. The only answer that she could give him was a defiant NO. This is what a true hero would be to me, for she does not back down from evil, but stands firm on what she believes.
             Socrates in many ways had to go through the same trials that Antigone had to endure. He was ridiculed for believing in something that he thought was right in his eyes. People always are scared of something new. Socrates was an envisionarist who could see the truth when no one else could. For standing up for what he believed in, he became a martyr. Being able to hold firm on his beliefs is what made Socrates a hero. He had the courage to believe in something so unpopular that he died for it.
             The moon is down Is a little different that the first two stories. A proud unexpecting town in Poland is invaded and conquered.

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