People with borderline personality disorder may try to commit suicide as well, in which six percent succeed. These people are also very intense; they go from being angry to being in deep depression in a very short time. They are also characterized by impulsivity, this could explain why they suffer from drug abuse or self-mutilate themselves. They are also found to be extremely bored and have problems with their self-image.
In some studies borderline personality disorder(BPD) has suggest that it is more prevalent in families with the disorder and is somehow connected with mood disorders. BPD also may be caused from early environmental influences, which can be anything from long-term isolation for an early infectious disease to severe physical or sexual abuse. Studies have shown that people with BPD are more likely to report some type of abuse than other individuals with other types of psychiatric disorders. Certain triggers that can raise ones stress level, such as divorce or adolescent traumas, can also bring on the symptoms. .
When a person with BPD allows himself or herself to be treated it usually consists of medication and therapy. Medication is given to reduce depression, reduce emotional up and downs, and attempt to slow down the rate of excessive impulsivity. Also antidepressants are used to help with depression and mood stabilizers, such as lithium, are used to help with mood swings. However, using medications is often difficult because of problems such as non-compliance, drug abuse, and suicide attempts. Results in using therapy as a treatment have been very promising. Researcher Marsha Linehan uses an approach that she has called dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). This helps people cope with the stressors that trigger suicidal behaviors. Her patients attend weekly individual sessions to provide support and they are taught how to identify and regulate their emotions.