They are often prominent in major family and band decisions, such as where and when to move and whom their children will marry. Many also share core leadership in a ban and ownership of water holes and foraging areas. She also says that the culture seems to define them as less powerful, but their influence is greater than thy like to admit. This culture encourages strong bonds between families. Husbands and wives sleep and eat together, share food and help with cooking and cleaning. These women in the Kung society have many lovers, just as men do. Although it is not something that is said out loud that is fine, these people make it a part of their lives to have many lovers. The women in this culture have a lot of say as to how their lives are lived. Men don't regulate the women's schedules; don't tell them which food to get and where to go for the food. Also it is also known that violence is not a respected way to resolve conflicts. So even though it happens that men and women fight, it's not liked.
Nisa, on many occasions left her husbands. If they mistreated her, she could always leave them and find a new one. When she first got married she was afraid of sex and didn't ant to do it. She made the decision not to have sex and when her husband kept wanting to do it, she just left him and wasn't forced to go back. Also, one man she really cared about wanted her to marry him and be his co-wife because he was already married to a friend of her, but she made the decision not too. Also Nisa didn't always just stand back and let men do whatever. She stood her ground to them. There was one occasion that her husband accused her of cheating on him with his brother. She stood up to him and told him, that she knew that he was cheating on her with his older brother's wife. She stood up to him and told him, that she knew that he was cheating on her with his older brother's wife. Another time Nisa was caught making love to someone else besides her husband, and her husband caught her.