But since the two sides couldn"t live with each other, the Balfour .
Declaration was unworkable. Britain then partitioned the country .
After World War II, a tired Britain referred the Palestine-Israel problem to the .
United Nations. The United Nations couldn"t partition a country without the .
consent of its people. The Jews welcomed the partition. The partition gave the .
Jews 55% of the Palestinian land when they were only 34% of the population in .
the Palestinian area. Feeling sorry for the Jews, many nations, mostly European .
nations, wanted Jews to have their own nation. On may 14, 1948, Israel was .
declared a independent state (beck-522).
The day after Israel declared itself an independent nation, it was attacked and .
invaded by 6 Arab states. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria .
were the invaders. When they began the invasion, the 6 countries were intending .
on destroying Israel. The new Jewish state survived. Israel depended on American .
help in this ordeal and again in their future wars .
(http://www.levitt.com/misc/israel_history.html / beck-522).
The second war was started when Egypt took the Suez Canal in 1956. Egypt .
took the canal as an act of anger for the loss of U.S. and British financial .
support. The British and the French got revenge by teaming with Israel. Israel .
forces quickly took down the Egyptians. But the tension between the U.S. and the .
Soviet Union forced the Israel forces and its European allies to withdraw ending .
the 1956 Suez Crisis. But in the coming years, Israel and the Arab neighbors of .
Israel were building tension. In 1967, Abdel Nasser, the president of Egypt and .