She wrote other phrases to keep everyone believing in this miracle, like "TERRIFIC" and "RADIANT". Everyone who came to see these words actually believed that the pig was radiant and terrific, even Wilbur himself believed after he heard everyone saying good things about him.
Towards the end of summer, The Arables and Zuckermans decided to enter Wilbur in the county fair, confident that he will win first prize. Wilbur wanted Charlotte to come with him so he wouldn't be lonely, but she initially refused claiming to feel tired and she wanted to start making a sac for her eggs. However, she changed her mind and came with Wilbur so she can write one last word for him: "HUMBLE". Although Wilbur lost the first prize ribbon to an old fat pig named Uncle, he won a special medal because of how special everyone thought he was, which made him very happy. Charlotte was also very happy to help her friend and was able to make her sac to lay her eggs in, although she was feeling very tired considering that she was an old spider.
Sadly though, Charlotte was too weak to move and was close to death. However, Wilbur was able to take her egg sac home to the farm with him and sadly said good-bye to his great friend, who died the next day. The baby spiders were born the next spring and Wilbur loved them like there were his own children, even crying when they left to make their own homes a few days later. However, three of the spiders decide to stay because they like the farm and Wilbur. While Wilbur loved them and all the rest of the spiders that came after, he always loved Charlotte most of all because there was no other spider like her.
The two main characters in the book were Wilbur and Charlotte, although the point of view shifts to Fern sometimes as well as rarely switch to some of the other human characters. Although all the farm animals in the book talked like the human characters, they retained their animal characteristics and acted and spoke as such.