building.Etta Mae, Mattie's friend, moved to Brewster Place for refuge from her many .
failed relationships. Lucile Louise Turner, housewife and mother lived a somewhat .
happy life with her husband Eugene and daughter Serena in one of the apartments until .
Eugene lost his job and left home. Serena, their daughter was electrocuted when she .
used a fork to chase a roach into a socket. Theresa and Lorraine came because they were .
looking for a place where they could live without people bothering them.
Some of the themes include social influences. For example, in the time this book was set .
it was wrong to have homosexual relationships. This is when we met a lesbian couple, .
Theresa and Lorraine. They show us how they moved to place to place to get away from .
being mistreated.
The first theme is in the chapter of Kiswana Browne. Kiswana is Really the only woman .
at Brewster Place who chooses to be there.Kiswana moves from with her Black family .
living in a middle-class neighborhood, Linden Hills. Kiswana is a young, and naive, .
Social activist, who is in search of her identity. Her name from Melanie to Kiswana; .
which is not pleasing to her mother. She acts as if she feels resentment Toward her .
mother for living in a well-to-do neighborhood and not trying to help "her people.".
evidence of this through a conversation that progresses into a heated argument .
Regarding Kiwanis's name change. This displeases her mother. Gloria Naylor has .
created a character in Kiswana Browne who is representative of the young population of .
black women in America. She wishes to find her roots and to be supportive to the pains .
and struggles of the Women of Brewster Place. .
The last theme comes chapter of Mattie. Mattie, is the mother in the novel. she gives a.
source of comfort to the women at Brewster place. But through Mattie We see the past .
and present of Brewster place through her eyes. Throughout the book, we see that .
Brewster Place itself will die.