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Abortion: Both Sides

Unmarried women are four to five times more likely to abort than married and the abortion rate has doubled for 18 and 19 year olds. Recently the U.S. rate dropped 6 percent overall but the rate of abortion among girls younger than 15 jumped 18 percent. The rate among minority teens climbed from 186 per 1,000 to 189 per 1,000. .
             It can be determined from these statistics that women have abortions because they have irresponsibly become pregnant when they can not financially or emotionally handle the child that they bear. Abortion is the only way out for many women that have to deal with these situations in the United States today and many say that it should be legal for this purpose. Yet pro-lifers say that if a woman becomes pregnant, she has an obligation to the new being inside of her to raise it and give it a chance at life. If you are not ready financially or emotionally to have a baby don't sleep around and get pregnant. These sides on this issue are solar opposites and I'm sure that you can see why abortion is such a controversial issue in our country and indeed the world this day in age.
             The concept of abortion is definitely an issue but there are a lot of people that focus more on the matter of procedure for an abortion rather than its moral validity. Of these procedures he most popular procedure involved in abortions is the vacuum aspiration which is done during the first trimester (three months or less since the women has become pregnant). A tube is simply inserted through the cervix and the contents of the uterus are vacuumed out. The most commonly used type of second trimester abortion is called dilation and evacuation. Since the fetus has bones, bulk and can move, second trimester is not as simple. When as much of the fetus and placenta are vacuumed out then tweezers are used to remove larger parts. After this, or the beginning of the fifth month abortion is serious and actually induced as childbirth.

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