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Boat Car

Distinct regional styles were not recognised. African art was viewed as a curious genre with a strong visual impact. However, as our knowledge of stylistic differences developed, we have learned to identify, not only the work of individual artists, but also to distinguish between the hand of the master and an apprentice's copy from the same workshop. .
             The fine qualities of African tribal art, like the qualities of good art from any continent, are now recognised and have found their true position in the art of mankind.
             The Function of an African Mask.
             In the early 20th Century, artists like Pablo Picasso and Andre Derain were inspired by the bold abstract designs in African tribal masks. They collected and used these works of art to influence their own style. In effect, they used African culture to refresh the tired tradition of figure painting in European art. .
             As a result, we now tend to admire the bold design and abstract patterns of African masks through European eyes. We appreciate them as exhibits on museum walls, cut off from their original meaning and magical power. However, this is not how they were designed to be viewed.
             African masks should be seen as part of a ceremonial costume. They are used in religious and social events to represent the spirits of ancestors or to control the good and evil forces in the community. They come to life, possessed by their spirit in the performance of the dance, and are enhanced by both the music and atmosphere of the occasion. Some combine human and animal features to unite man with his natural environment. This bond with nature is of great importance to the African and through the ages masks have always been used to express this relationship.
             The Style of an African Mask.
             There are two main forces that influence the style of an African tribal mask:.
             1. The traditional style that is dictated by the social and religious beliefs of the community.

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