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Sreet Preaching

In Afghanistan child are being taught to kill Americans so that they will go into heaven. Killing other will only send you into hell. On 9-11 some planes high jacked by Afghanistans were flown into building kill their selves and the lives of others. The Afghanistans might think that they are going into heaven but they are going to get the most suffering. After that happened President George bush retaliated and launched a full out attack on Sadaam Husein. Many people were killed in this event but the President and his army was doing this for a good reason so they are going to heaven.
             The people of today are going into hell because they are putting violence on television, which is bad. But worse than that, children are copying what they see and the television and are harming others because they think that it is funny. If students today think that watching others get hurt is funny than they deserve to go to hell. .
             If you thought that violence was bad, you will be disgusted with my next topic. Another reason why people are going to hell is because of explicit language and content. There is so much cursing going on in this world that children are starting to say them not knowing what it means. It you curse you will go to hell. Your mouth was made to communicate and to no taunt or make fun of others. Explicit content is bad because people are paying money to see a sacred ceremony that is only shared between married couples and being perverted. There are also science fiction movies, that people are paying money to see, which should be band. There is a movie that is in the movie theaters that is called, "Jeepers Creepers two". The movie is about a monster that is killing people and using their body parts to live on. This is a gruesome movie that would probably describe hell and if you see it you probably will go to hell. .
             People are going to hell. You can't get past that. People are going to hell because the are infringing on copy writing laws.

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