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Eugene O'Neill

             after attending a Catholic boarding school (Gould, 54). After he .
             returned home, he continued traveling with his family and even took .
             some small roles in the plays. Because of this experience, he knew .
             what was good theater and what was not. "It was almost as if by .
             osmosis that Eugene absorbed a knowledge of the theater which most .
             embryo playwrights did not have (Gould, 65). Another major .
             contributing factor to his lacking family life was the fact that his .
             mother was a morphine addict. Throughout his lifetimes she was .
             continuously in and out of sanitariums, which Eugene would later end .
             up in. .
             Before Eugene O"Neill, no playwright of importance had .
             existed before him. He single-handedly created native drama in .
             America by his influence and example. In granting him this .
             distinction, critics are almost unanimous on the conclusion that his .
             historical significance is clear (Carpenter, 168-69). This does not .
             dismiss the fact that there are still some critics out there that think he .
             is unworthy of this title. Those disapproving of his style have .
             slandered his reputation. In some critics" opinions, O"Neill's creditors .
             mistake a jumble of primal emotions to be psychological depth and .
             explorations of the inner self. Regardless of these naysayers, .
             Carpenter feels sure that no one can agree on who America's favorite .
             novelist was, or the greatest poet for that matter, but that without a .
             doubt O"Neill remains America's favorite dramatist (Carpenter, 169). .
             Even though the mere existence of American drama has been short .
             lived, it would have been much later in forthcoming had it not been .
             for the efforts of O"Neill. As one can see, it is difficult to form an .
             opinion if one has heard all the controversy over this unique man. He .
             has been hailed as America's greatest dramatist, and had his world .
             dismissed contemptuously as "a bestiary full of vulpine animals and .
             crushed worms," by the London Times Literary Supplement.

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