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Good and Evil

             name literally means happiness. The selection of this name shows that he is a.
             good and moral character. His traditional ways are the rules that he follows.
             This type of order in his life leads to the goodness of his character. He tries.
             to aid Duddy by sharing his life with him but eventually sees the immoral ways.
             of his grandson. The significant moment where he becomes disappointed with Duddy.
             and his ways is when they go   to the land:.
             Simcha sat silent and severe in the front of the car. Why didn't you pick a lot.
             for yourself?' Duddy asked. I don't want a farm here. She told me what you.
             did, Simcha said. And I don't want a farm here. (Richler 373).
             Simcha knew that Duddy had taken Virgil's money to obtain the land. He did not.
             want to be a part of such deceitful behaviour. The disappointment in Simcha's.
             words represent the individual that he is. Simcha had hoped that perhaps Duddy.
             would use his potential for good, and not by means of immoral behaviour. The.
             character of Simcha is very righteous and decent. Similarly, Desdemona in.
             Othello has morals of good nature. Throughout the play she is referred to as.
             "Fair- Desdemona. This represents her purity in body, mind and soul. In a.
             discussion between herself and Emilia the topic of infidelity comes up. She is.
             disillusioned at the fact that women would consider being unfaithful to their.
             husbands and asks, "Dost thou in conscience think-tell me, Emilia-/That there be.
             women do abuse their husbands/In such gross kind?- (Shakespeare 4.3. 67-69).
             Desdemona strongly states that she would never do such an action to her Othello.
             This attitude illustrates the morals that she lives by. She knows to be faithful.
             and loyal. Morality, whether good or evil, determines the type of person one is.
             Ones morals determine the actions.
             The reputation of one allows for the choice between a path of good or evil. The.
             reputations of various characters in both texts enable them to change their.

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