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A Formula for Conflict

Greece is very important to the United States because Greece is one of the largest buyers of American weapons, and because its strategic location on the Aegean Sea which is essential to NATO and American security. Both Turkey and Greece since 1952 have been apart of NATO and allies of the United States. In the agreement upon which they entered NATO the United States was granted the use of their military bases, and in exchange for this the United States has given both of these nations military aid. These two countries have been in conflict with one another for well over 25 years. They have been at battle with one another over the tiny Mediterranean island Cyprus. Both Greece and Turkey have taken ownership of this island, and since 1974 the Turkish have taken over about a third of the island. Since 1993, Greece has set an agreement to purchase $3.8 billion worth of arms. In addition to this Greece gets $200 million a year in foreign military financing to help purchase this equipment. Over 80% of all military aid to Greece comes from the United States. Since 1993 Turkey has been approved $8.3 billion in arms sales. In addition, the United States has given Turkey helicopters, "85 machine guns, replacement parts for F-16 fighters, and Lockheed Martin LANTIRNs ( allow Turkish pilots to find their way at night). These weapons supplied to Greece and Turkey are often used in the conflict over Cyprus. The United States initial reason for military aid to Turkey was to stop the spread of communism, but now as the threat is over and as the hostility between Greece and Turkey increases, the United States has claimed the continual support is the purpose of maintaining a "balance of military strength-. To keep supplying these two countries with military support just to make sure they can blow up each other equally is absurd. There are other ways to make these nations equal without supplying weapons that can help intensify the conflict that is already existent to that territory.

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