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The Great Gatsby

             I also noticed that Daisy did not pay as much attention to her daughter as she did in the book. At one point in the movie, Pammy and the nurse went by and all she did was wave. The scene of Gatsby meeting Pammy was well performed. You could really see the terror in Gatsby's eyes when he finally realized that no matter what he did; life would never be the same as it was when they first met. .
             In the book, Myrtle was supposed to be ugly, overweight, dirty, and the exact opposite of Daisy. In the movie, Myrtle is dressed in white, skinny, and not ugly. By doing this they took away from the viewer the opportunity to realize that Tom was interested in a woman that was the exact opposite of Daisy. The scene that surprised me the most was when Myrtle punched through the window when Tom, Jordan, and Nick were parked outside. What made it worse was that she actually put her hand into her mouth when it was bleeding profusely. A normal person would try to stop the bleeding, not suck out the blood. .
             Important parts of Gatsby's past were left out of the movie. The entire Dan Cody part of his life was never mentioned, therefore not showing you that Gatsby was once a working man. Another part of his life, James Gats, was never mentioned to Nick. The book had Gatsby actually tell Nick that his real name was James Gats. An important character, Owl Eyes, was never shown in the movie. This meant that there was no drunken man trying to sober up in the library and that the accident outside of the party also never happened. This takes away from the movie because you do not see Gatsby as a hospitable man. .
             The book stated that five years had passed since Daisy and Gatsby had last seen each other. The movie clearly stated that eight years had passed, which makes Gatsby look crazier than he is. It also added drama that was not needed, by making the time longer. The movie also only had a couple of rumors spread about Gatsby's past.

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