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Australia Trade and Finance

Australia is part of two major treaties in this region, the Closer Economic Relations Treaty Agreement (CERTA) with New Zealand which allows for a strong two way relationship between the two countries and the main trading bloc, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Australia along with 20 other countries is part of this bloc and trade occurs within members of this group with low tariffs and barriers. .
             Information from dfat shows that most of our trade is done in APEC.
             Although Australia's main exports and imports come regionally Australia still has trade relations with other major trading partners around the world as the United States and countries in Europe. However trading with such countries is made more difficult with the establishment of Trading Blocs much like APEC. Trading blocs are groups of countries which join together to exclude other nations from trade with them. The European Union (EU) is one such bloc. The EU makes it harder for countries outside of the bloc to export goods by increasing levies and tariffs. In response to this other trading blocs for like North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) and World Trade Organization (WTO) to attempt to protect them selves from other trading blocs. Each of these trade blocs are detrimental to Australia as it is a relatively small trading nation and relies on being able to expand its export of commodities and services as much as possible to as many countries as possible without such barriers. .
             EXPORTS A$m 2000 % IMPORTS A$m 2000 %.
             TOTAL 110,405 100 TOTAL 100.
             Japan 21,844 19.8 Japan 15,316 13.1.
             Korea, Republic of 9,048 8.2 Korea, Republic of 4,803 4.1.
             China P.R. 6,010 5.4 China P.R. 9,073 7.8.
             Taiwan 5,562 5 Taiwan 3,523 3.
             Hong Kong 3,575 3.2 Hong Kong 1,282 1.1.
             Singapore 5,874 5.3 Singapore 3,712 3.2.
             Indonesia 2,893 2.

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