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             When the war ended Hitler got a job working as a spy for the German army. He was sent to a meeting of the German Workers Party in September 1919, which was led by Anton Drexler, who was very anti-Semitic (Rhodes 1). Hitler joined the party and became its leader in 1921. Hitler wanted to attract as many people as possible to the party, so he changed the name to the National Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler anticipated that the word "National" would attract nationalists who wanted to rebuild Germany after the World War I and the word "Socialist" would attract socialists who wanted to improve the lives of working people in Germany. The party was borne out of dismay at the defeat in the World War I and a horror at the severity of the terms imposed upon Germany by the Allies. They were also opposed to the Treaty of Versailles and Communism (Rhodes 7). .
             Here is the first argument, on how anthropology could help explain how Hitler was beginning to take power. After World War I Germany was in ruins. By 1922 the Government stopped paying Reparations and the French and Belgian Armies invaded Ruhr, the main industrial area of Germany (Shirer 57). When workers when on strike, the factories brought in their own workers and cut the area off from the rest of Germany. By 1923 German was struggling with hyperinflation and the rises in prices effected everyone (Rhodes 6). Cultural anthropologist would look at the behavior of the German populations and understand that they wanted a change in there society. Ethnologist would seek to understand patterns that were taking place in Germany. What could Anthropologists learn from Hitler's rise to power? First they could look at the economic struggle that was taking place and how a leader can implant himself as a hero to gain an underlining agenda.
             Moving on Hitler soon became one of the leading lights of the party, his inspiring rhetoric and enthusiasm for the cause propelling him to the leadership of the small party very quickly.

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